Marry Me, Hunnie

244 Yale Avenue, Winnipeg, MB

About Marry Me, Hunnie

I have been a marriage commissioner for more than ten years and really love what I do! I have developed and maintained relationships with many of the couples I have married and have received 150 reviews of my services. You can find these recommendations on my website, Google listing, Facebook, and Wedding Wire. Over the years I have been selected as a Wedding Wire Couples' Choice Award winner and have been rated as one of Winnipeg's top three officiants. I am personable, detail-oriented, professional, and have many years of experience as a public speaker. I have good working relationships with many of Winnipeg's wedding vendors and am often referred by venues. I am pleased that my team includes my daughter, my son, and my future daughter-in-law! In fact, everyone on my team is currently engaged to be married, so we really understand what planning a wedding is all about! Whether your preference be for a contemporary or traditional wedding, I can help you choose or write vows, select readings, and incorporate special touches to create a beautiful ceremony that expresses your love the way you have always imagined. Why settle for someone else's idea of what your ceremony should be when you can be a part of the process?

Event Pricing

Ceremony Pricing
Attendees: 5 min | $175 - $275 /event
Pricing for weddings only
  • Special Features: Custom Ceremonies Elopements and Micro-Weddings Marriage Licences Commitment Ceremonies