Our Cigar Roller DC performances are big at wedding receptions, and we can design custom cigar bands for each cigar. We produce and design all the graphics in-house so your guests remember how much fun you had. Approximately 90% of the outings we provide include cigars, whether it's a cigar roller or custom cigar bands.
We have a strong following in Washington, DC because of DC events. The Omni Shoreham Hotel, The Mansion at O Street, The Donovan House, Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, Meridian House, K Street Lounge, Meridian International Center have been used for cigar events in the past.
As a result of initial media exposure, Cigar Catering was featured in the Washington Times as well, making cigar roller events popular with cigar lovers. Since the company designs custom cigar labels for each wedding at no additional charge, brides remain the core client base of cigar roller demand.
Fill out the contact form and submit it to find out how to incorporate the cigar roller and cigars into your event. Once we have checked for availability, we'll get back to you within 30 minutes during the week with the best recommendations. Our clients don't always know how to plan properly or how to deal with cigars, so we'll get you out of the dark and get you "up to speed" so you're the star after the party.
A cigar roller can be booked in the following areas
McLean, VA, Tysons Corner, Maryland, DC, Annapolis, Fairmont Hotel in DC, Annapolis, Baltimore, MD,
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