A Cigar Roller DC performance is a popular event at weddings, and we also create custom cigar bands for the cigars presented at the reception. Graphics are produced and designed in-house and remind guests that you gave them a great time. A great deal of golf outings are also popular with cigars, and a cigar roller or custom cigar bands are used at 90% of the events we provide in Virginia and Maryland.
A significant part of our client following has been created from the DC events, which have been a major market for us. The Omni Shoreham Hotel, The Mansion at O Street, The Donovan House, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, Meridian House, K Street Lounge, Meridian International Center have been historical locations for cigar events.
Cigar Catering was also featured in a feature article in the Washington Times as a result of the initial media attention, making cigar roller events popular with cigar lovers and event planners alike. As a result of the company designing custom cigar labels at no additional charge for each wedding, brides continue to be the primary client base of cigar roller demand.
Get in touch by filling out the contact form and submitting it to learn about the best ways to incorporate the cigar roller and cigars into your event. After checking for availability, we will contact you within 30 minutes during the week to provide you with the best recommendations. Our clients often do not have a good understanding of cigars or planning properly, but we will get you out of the dark quickly and make you a "star" at the end of the party.
Cigar rollers for events in McLean, VA, Tysons Corner, Maryland, DC, Annapolis, Fairmont Hotel in DC, Annapolis, Baltimore, MD, and high end venues like the Ritz Carlton and the Four Seasons have put DC as our 3rd largest city for cigar rolling events.
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