Flow Your MoJo (With Tarot)

14333 Friar St, Apt 208, Van Nuys, CA

About Flow Your MoJo (With Tarot)

As a certified Biddy Tarot Advisor, I've developed a practice that allows my querents to feel empowered after their session. While in a reading with me, I approach the session with the utmost confidentiality and advise the querent to ask questions that will give them advice on what steps to take next, in whatever situation they're asking about. I also help screenwriters and authors for a deeper connection to their intuition so they can write faster and build their self-confidence to make more sales. So if you have a writing conference or a writer's group or anything like that, I'm there! Weddings Birthdays Corporate Parties After Parties Screenings/Premiers Celebrations Holiday gatherings Classes Convention panels I'm pretty much willing to talk and do tarot anytime and anywhere.

Event Pricing

Attendees: 0-500 | $100 - $350 /hour
Pricing for all event types
Key: Not Available


  • Special Features: I have over 65 decks and can read with all of them, so when I go to parties/events, the querents get to choose the deck they want to use for a more personal experience.