Our Sunroom is our biggest room, at 510 sq ft. It features five large south and west-facing windows that allow for a fantastic amount of natural light to shine through. If you’re trying to capture Golden Hour, this is the room for you, with unobstructed South and West facing views in this room.
We also have a white brick wall that features stunning double and single arched doors. This room also hosts various carefully curated vignettes and is perfect for just about any shoot you may be carrying out.
It is a pure white bright room with rustic 100-year old floors. The floors add so much character to this space and enhance the glow factor. If you’re considering this space for an event, you can open up the double arched doors to let patrons walk around freely.
There is a minus requirement of 5 hours for event bookings. This can include graduations, proposals, anniversary, celebrations etc and the entire studio is at your disposal!
Terms and Conditions
Deposit is required and cleaning fee.
Contact us so we can learn more about your upcoming event!