Since 1999, CF Dominicana's Cigar Rollers have served event planners and consumers in Tampa. We are a real cigar company, not just an entertainment broker.
Select tobacco stores are now selling CF Dominicana premium cigars. Custom Cigar Bands are also free of charge to all customers, revolutionizing relationships with retailers. CF Dominicana Cigars have been very successful as gifts, as they say, “One box gives 25 reasons to say thank you”.
With Cigar Catering, cigar servers can also add a classic visual element to your event. Our "Cigar Planners" will help you to create an unforgettable memory that your guests will be talking about for years to come by combining our cigars and our staff with your special day.
Dedicated "cigar planners" will help you make your Big Day a success at every step of the way. In order to introduce cigars at the reception and the cigar roller feature, timelines need to be addressed properly.
Cigar roller events available for:
Sarasota, Tampa, Apollo Beach, Brandon, Citrus Park, Egypt Lake, Gibsonton, Greater Northdale, Lake Magdalene, Land o’ Lakes, Lutz, Mango, Oldsmar, Plant City, Riverview, Ruskin, Orlando, Tampa, Temple Terrace, Thonotosassa, Town ‘n’ Country, Valrico, Zephyrhills, St. Petersburg
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