About Rev. Laura Larmore

Your wedding symbolizes a love that will last a lifetime. Your ceremony should reflect your feelings for each other. I would like to make your special day the best day of the rest of your lives. I perform personalized ceremonies, tailored to your dreams. I am an ordained, non-denominational minister with a Masters Degree in Religion. I offer both religious and non-religious ceremonies. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss with and help you design the perfect ceremony to fit your personal style, taste, background and culture whether it be Non-denominational, Interfaith, Civil or Religious. I will also perform Same Sex unions. Your ceremony may be performed at the location of your choosing. I am willing to travel.

Event Pricing

Attendees: 0-4 | $100 /event
Pricing for weddings only
$100 /event
Pricing for weddings only
Basic Ceremony
$200 /event
Pricing for weddings only
  • Special Features: Handfasting. Sand Ceremony. Unity Candle. Salt Ceremony. Paint Ceremony. Promises to children. Remembering loved ones.