Grandinetti Photography

126 West Hopkins, Suite 2, San Marcos, TX


"Photo's that communicate the event" - An Eventective User from Dallas, Texas

I enjoyed working with Tony Grandinetti and his staff. As a professional Chef I've worked with many so called professionals only to be put out by their hugh egos and lack of compassion for the wedding parties. As we were setting up the room Mr.Grandinetti who had called me the day before asked if he could drop by and checkout the room and have a few moments of my time to discuss the pace of the reception. What this told me was that he cared enough about how best to take all the photos needed to capture the moment. As the Chef a great deal of responsibility is placed on my staff and I to perform, any flaws with any of the services food, beverages, music or the photographer can be costly. "If you want to be the best, you must first service & serve your best." I don't mind helping other professionals when we share the same passion for perfection. I'll recommend Grandinetti Photography anytime........