Ocean City Florist, Gifts, & Flower Delivery is a local florist proudly serving Ocean City, Maryland. Their flower shop offers same-day delivery across Ocean City, making special occasions memorable with stunning floral arrangements.
Payment Methods: Check, Visa, Master Card, Amex, Discover, Debit
29 miles
from Ocean City, MD
Floral Inspirations is a local florist that provides same-day flower delivery in Lewes, DE. Their flower shop has been actively serving the town of Lewes since 2015, crafting flower arrangements for every kind of occasion.
Business Hours:
Mon - Sat: 9:00am-5:00pm
Sunday: Closed
Payment Methods:
Flower Preservation. I preserve your flowers and memories for a lifetime. Your flowers will be untouched for many generations to enjoy. I have many shapes and sizes available; something for everyone.
We are a full service florists in Pocomoke City Md. From Traditional to over the Top Weddings, we do them all.
The owner has 19 years experience, and loves to stay informed of all the new trends!
The Enchanted Florist also goes outside of the Pocomoke City area.
We service many areas in Virgini
Full service wedding florist proudly serving The Wildwoods and Cape May County since 1973