Illuminating Ceremonies

220 East 57th St, 4C, New York, NY

About Illuminating Ceremonies

I'm Chris Shelley and wedding ceremonies are what I do. Whether it's a big budget wedding or a small-budget elopement, I bring a level of professionalism and joy to every ceremony that makes guests wildly enthusiastic about the couple. I love working with couples for months on their big weddings, writing and crafting amazing ceremonies full of stories and humor, personalizing and humanizing every couple. But I also love the small, spur-of-the-moment elopements in the park, where it's just us and a photographer - those can be so fun, and the intimacy adds to the gravitas. I love officiating - will I officiate for you?

Event Pricing

Attendees: 0-550 | $750 - $2,200 /event
Pricing for weddings only
Attendees: 0-10 | $300 - $650 /event
Pricing for weddings only