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New York has been the launch City for cigar roller events throughout the country. The brand CF Dominicana, had started in New York some 16 years ago and is continuing to go strong. Working with the School of visual arts in Manhattan, we also provide graphics design to make custom cigar bands that match the color of the bridesmaids dresses. For corporate events we design logos effortlessly and each of the cigar bands will be on every cigar presented at your event. The cigars of course are from the Dominican Republic and not meet anywhere in the city rather they're imported with Connecticut shade rapper leaf around beautiful Dominican filler. You will have a cigar planner assigned to your event to make sure all decisions are going right and that you don't make any mistakes to ensure that you have success on your big night
Contact us for a quote and below are the cities around New York that are available for your cigar roller feature.
List cities:
Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Utica, Buffalo, Rochester, Yonkers, New Rochelle, Mount Vernon, Schenectady, Syracuse, Albany
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