About Grace Events

Mission Statement: Providing the highest professional standard of unique and creative events by serving each client with the best quality for a competitive price. Description Grace Events describes the meaning in itself. It means something of honor, elegance, shows as effortless beauty, at the same time a disposition to be generous, helpful, and has strong goodwill. With over 7 years of experience in event planning, entertaining and decorating, Grace Events is proud to create unique and special events based on the clients personality and need. GE’s background is in ev ent planning, marketing, communications and accounting. The knowledge in these fields serve the client with an all rounded experience. GE strongly believes in providing the best deal in quality and price. Therefore, time is spent in using creativity and intelligently for the best prices. The goal in each event is perfection. Every detail is important in any event at any size. In order to accomplish perfection, GE will focus on a strong professional relationship with the client to make their vision or dream a reality with a touch of Grace.