We are Miami Cigar Entertainment, We Provide a Luxury Cigar Rolling Service for all Special events.
If you are looking for a unique Wedding reception, Party, Event or Corporate event activity for your guests! Our Live Cigar Rolling Show is the perfect fun and sophisticated experience for guests that enjoy smoking and also to the ones that don't smoke too.
We offer a fun interactive experience with our Cigar-Baristas who will serve, cut and light their cigars and for those who would like to know more, our Cigar Baristas will be ready to engage with your guests with their wealth of knowledge and experience.
We also do Destination Events, meaning we take the life of the party wherever you decide you’re going to host it.
Cuban Authentic Cigar Rollers with years of experience. Our Cigar Hostess/Host are trained on the cigar field.
Cigar Rollers interact with the guests at your events, get ready for an authentic experience.
We’d love to discuss the possibilities and help you make your ideal party a reality!
Contact us today for more details.
Social Media: @miamicigarentertainment
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