Our Family run business offers three hour package including team of horses, driver, footperson, white vis-à-vis wedding carriage, long red carpet, just married sign, champagne, pop, juices and water, flowers for the new mother-in-laws and the most unique transportation you will ever experience.
Let us pick your bride and family or girls up and deliver to the end of the aisle. Make that grant entrance, and then exit as newlyweds. Use our team and carriage as a perfect backdrop for photos, relax with our footperson service and turn heads around town, or on the farm while travelling in stile. Our teams are road veterans and can travel anywhere, anytime.
Please visit our website www.auniversalcarriage.com and/or email or text Millar at *NOT DISPLAYED* or *NOT DISPLAYED*
Terms and Conditions
Please contact us for complete terms & conditions