Charlotte Cigar Roller, Imported Cigars, Custom Cigar Labels

Charlotte, Matthews, NC

About Charlotte Cigar Roller, Imported Cigars, Custom Cigar Labels After steaks and chops, cigar rollers are brought in for the perfect evening. The Triangle in North Carolina is home to CF Dominicana cigar rollers, which make up a strong demographic of cigar lovers. Almost every year since Cigar Catering® launched, Raleigh Cigar rollers are requested by brides to be. This part of the South was introduced to CF Dominicana cigars by women and brides. An event planner or "Cigar Caterers" will help you integrate cigar rolling into your special day in the best possible way. Additionally, because CF Dominicana is a premium cigar brand, you don't receive inferior tobacco or hidden scraps like you do with some other brands - our tobacco stays at premium standards and CF Dominicana makes high quality cigars. If you book an event with us, we'll give you a credit for the sample 4-pack. It's easy to find cigars here and you can watch cigar rolling demonstrations. Thanks to Altadis and JR cigars, Altadis has a strong presence. There's a lot of educated cigar clients. They appreciate premium cigars more than any other part of the country, and these cigar connoisseurs know the difference between Connecticut shade broadleaf and the right blend of filler. Cigar Rollers ara available in: Apex, Cary, Chapel Hill, Clayton, Durham, Fuquay-Varina, Garner, Goldsboro, Mebane, Oxford, Raleigh, Sanford, Siler City, Smithfield, Wake Forest, Wilmington, Charlotte