Fee Schedule as of 1/31/2024
- Base Rate is $1,800.00 and includes a four (4) hour time block between the hours of 8:00 AM and midnight.
- Additional time beyond the Base Rate will be billed at $300.00 per hour, and will be billed to the nearest fifteen (15) minute increment. It will include any time that technicians are setting up or restoring from an event.
- Additional time between the hours of 12:00 AM and 8:00 AM will be billed at $500.00 per hour, and will be billed to the nearest fifteen (15) minute increment.
- Lead techs are charged at $50/hour
- Technicians are charged at $46/hour
- House managers are charged at $35/hour
- Deposit is $2000, paid at the time of contract signing
- Projector usage is $450/day/projector
- If you need advanced AV (cameras, streaming, multi-angle recording) we offer a $3k equipment package.
? Single angle center-wide recording is available for $500