Detroit Cigar Roller, Imported Cigars, Custom Cigar Labels

Detroit, Highland Park, MI

About Detroit Cigar Roller, Imported Cigars, Custom Cigar Labels It is our objective at CF Dominicana to create cigars of superior quality by using the highest quality Dominican tobacco and hand-rolling them live at your event by only the finest craftsmen. "CF" Cigars utilize a golden brown Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf known for its mild tones exclusively for this blend, which is complemented by a Seco/Ligero blend. This blend is perfect for after dinner smoking since we add a bolder, fuller body experience with our deep, rich, and dark mature leaf that gives it a bolder, fuller taste. Cigar Rollers are big for Weddings in Detroit along with neighboring areas like Bloomfield and Grand Rapids had been home for the most recent cigar roller events from CF Dominicana. West Bloomfield is also a big area for the company and we have many customers who we have worked with since 2003 who continue to be in contact with us. We can facilitate our services in all of the following locations Detroit, Dearborn, Troy, Sterling Heights, Flint, Rochester Hills, Windsor, Grand Rapids, all of Michigan and Canada