Equally Yoked Weddings

8811 Teel Parkway #1005744, Frisco, TX

About Equally Yoked Weddings

I am Leslie O’Hare, a Christian Wedding Officiant, Pre-Marital Life Coach, Bridal Coach, Mindset Life Coach and Relationship Life Coach in Dallas, Texas. I have 20+ years of coaching experience. My qualifications, credentials, and training include Accredited Master Mindset Life Coach, Accredited Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) Mindset Life Coach, Accredited Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner & NLP Master Practitioner, Accredited Emotional Intelligence Life Coach, and Accredited Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Life Coach. I love performing marriage ceremonies - I experience joy and satisfaction in seeing couples choose to build a wonderful life together and run the distance. It has become a compelling passion for me to help others on their journey of love & commitment. My strengths are in coaching and helping people to become successful in achieving their desired goals so they can be successful in life and in love. And at the sametime helping my clients make their dreams a reality. I believe love is the strongest force in the universe and one of the most fulfilling things we can experience. Equally Yoked Weddings, offers Marriage Officiating, Pre-Marital Coaching, Bridal Coaching and Renewal of Vows to support you on your way to a lifetime of happiness. Equally Yoked Weddings offers comprehensive packages to accommodate your ceremony needs. A thorough initial consultation will take place to allow us to get to know each other and discuss your ceremony ideas and preferences. Meetings will take place virtually throughout the crafting of your ceremony. Should you wish to add any symbolic wedding rituals, such as a unity candle or sand ceremony into your service, I will happily accommodate these requests. Equally Yoked Weddings ceremonies are designed to suit your desires. We do not plan events. “Happiness in A marriage is not marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.” Leslie O’Hare Learn More at: www.MindsetConnections.com

Event Pricing

Wedding Ceremony
Attendees: 2-550 | $200 - $450 /event
Pricing for all event types
Wedding Rehearsals
Attendees: 2-100 | $100 /event
Pricing for all event types
Pre-Martial Coaching With Wedding Ceremony
Attendees: 2-550 | $300 - $750 /event
Pricing for all event types
Pre-Martial Coaching Without Wedding Ceremony
Attendees: 2 min | $100 - $400 /event
Pricing for all event types
Renewal of Wedding Vows
Attendees: 2-550 | $175 - $450 /event
Pricing for all event types
Bridal Coaching With or Without Wedding Ceremony
$300 - $1,200 /event
Pricing for all event types
Theme Wedding Ceremonies
Attendees: 2-550 | $200 - $450 /event
Pricing for all event types
Key: Not Available


Last Updated: 10/12/2022
  • Special Features: If your desired event date isn't available on our calendar and you are flexible with your date, please contact us to discuss alternate dates we may have or to see if we can accommodate your desired date.