Memories Made by Brenda

East Amherst, NY

About Memories Made by Brenda

Discover the magic of unforgettable events with Memories Made by Brenda, your premier resource for stunning, tailored celebrations. Located in the heart of the Western New York and Niagara Falls area, we have proudly served clients since 2009. Our commitment to crafting remarkable events ensures your guests will be talking about your occasion for months! With a passion for bringing your unique vision to life, we specialize in every aspect of your event, from exquisite hors d'oeuvres to captivating entertainment. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your special day—we’ll handle the details and make it truly unforgettable!

Event Pricing

Event Planning
Attendees: 0-500 | $1,000 - $25,000 /event
Pricing for all event types
  • Special Features: We offer a range of services that ensure every detail of your event is covered, including: design and sending of invitations, vendor retention, vendor coordination, custom decorations and centerpieces, signage, backdrops, event management services, etc.