Big Daddy Frank's DJ and Karaoke

Decatur, IL

About Big Daddy Frank's DJ and Karaoke

Big Daddy Frank is a professionally trained Master of Ceremonies and Disc Jockey who has studied with wedding industry leaders such as Mark Ferrel, Alan Berg, & Randy Bartlett- Most recently in Omaha Nebraska 2019. This training along with over 15 years of experience as an only job, full-time entertainer makes BDF ready and able to make your wedding just as you have always dreamed about and the OUTCOME you desire: smooth, exciting, hassle-free, inclusive and fun! With personal meetings and a custom reception planner, I take the time to get to know clients (In a 2-hour-ish interview) and to include your guests in the magical story of how your love story began, to where it is today, and where it's going. Honored guests and even their "+1"(who doesn't know either of you) leave your event knowing you and your new half in a way that touches their heart and has them rooting for you and wishing you all the happiness and success. They will know and appreciate your backstory and not just be showing up to eat your food, drink your booze, and attend your party.

Event Pricing

Big Daddy Franks D.J. & Karaoke Service
$300 - $995 /event
Pricing for all event types
D.J. Big Daddy Frank -- WEDDING PACKAGE
$500 - $995 /event
Pricing for all event types