60-70 seated guests can be accommodated indoors and up to 85 guests can be accommodated sitting and standing. Guests are able to bring in any food or drinks (including alcohol). For reservations, time must include set up and clean up time. The space includes bathroom spaces. Guests are able to enter at the reservation start time and must be completely out by the reservation end time. Guest must remove all decorations and trash from the space and place them in the garbage bins. Additional cleaning fee will be added on if trash and decorations are not disposed of properly. Renter agrees to keeping music to a considerate level due to the residential area the studio is located.
Tables, chairs, wifi included.
Renter will leave the venue as it was found. All event furniture will be returned to their original place. Please throw away all trash including balloons and decorations, food etc. Please tie garbage bags and place them on the left side of the building and the host will dispose after your booking. Nails, tacks, etc. must be removed from the walls. If decorations and trash are not removed or if there are any damages to the venue caused by the guests (inside or outside of the venue space including parking lot) an additional fee may be added at the owner's discretion.
General Rules
-No smoking in the building
-Outside catering is allowed
-Outside vendors are allowed
View Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
Lessee (venue renter & guests) shall indemnify, defend and save harmless Lessor, its officers, agents, and employees from and agains any and all loss, costs (including attorneys' fees) damage, expense and liability (including statutory liability and liability under workers' compensation laws) in connection with claims, judgements, damages, penalties, fines, liabilities, losses, suits, administrative proceedings, arising out of any act or neglect by Lessee, its agents, employees, contractors, Lesses, invitees, representatives, in, on or about the Facility (3707 Jefferson Blvd. Dallas, TX 75201). This indemnity shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Lessee herby releases Lessor from any and all liability or responsibility to Lessee or anyone claiming through or under Lessee by way of subrogation or otherwise for any loss or damage to equipment or property of Lessee covered by any insurance then in force.