Crown Party Rentals stock many different rental items for almost any event! From tables and chairs to party canopies and ice cream machines. We can handle just about any small and medium size event. From small get-together to company parties that have hundreds of attendees. Delivery/pick up service is available. Rates vary with mileage. Larger orders that require several trips will be charged accordingly. The equipment rented must be returned clean or a cleaning charge will be assessed. A damage waiver will be included at 8% of the rental amount. Therefore, the customer will not be charged for accidental damage to rental equipment while under their care, custody, and control, up to a maximum of $200. Abuse, negligence, theft, or missing items are not included and will be the total responsibility of the customer.
We accept cash and Visa/MasterCard/Discover credit cards. The rental charge plus a deposit is taken in advance for the time period the customer anticipates using the equipment. Advance deposits may be required to reserve equipment. Charge accounts are available to established businesses. There is a $1,000 rental limit on all new business accounts.
We require a valid Indiana driver's license and a second form of identification from the person signing the rental contract.