includes 10 hour rental which includes 6 hours of party/event time with 2 hour setup and 2 hours of breakdown, includes cleaning, tables and chairs, sound, chairs and ottomans, 16 ft bar ( can be moved around & split into 2- 8ft bars)
baby showers, sweet sixteens, birthday parties, holiday parties, themed events, corporate events, runway presentations, installations, premiere screenings, educational events, culinary events, religious events, comedy shows, family events, dance performances, community events, health and wellness events, book launches, networking events, gaming tournaments, conferences, performances, movie nights, proms, dinners.
View Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
cancellation 30 days before date of event for 50% of deposit refunded
payment can be through zelle, check, or credit card. Must pay 50% of rental price to hold & confirm date.
special offers and discounts applicable for baby showers, sweet sixteens, bar mitzvah, bat mizvahs, educational events etc
weddings & reception
5 hour minimum.
Includes cleaning, sound, 16ft bar, courtyard, chairs and tables
View Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
cancellation before 30 days of event may be refunded 50%. 50% due day before wedding.
For 100% refund please give 60 day notice.
Payments can be made by credit card, cash, checks, or zelle.
50% of full payment must be made in order to secure date.
(payment installations can be done, please ask if needed)