Bells of Bliss

3900 Greystone Ave,, Bronx, NY

About Bells of Bliss

Guy Yair Beider is a sound meditation facilitator, sound wellness arts educator, and Himalayan antique singing bowls expert. He is passionate about providing the audience with healthy sonic nourishment and a diversity of scenarios for mindful and safe sonic journeys. Guy's major source of knowledge of working with sound comes from extended research on psychology, musicology, and psychoacoustics. Since 2011 he has facilitated hundreds of meditations in yoga studios, martial art schools, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, and various organizations for people with special needs, PTSD, and AA groups. In 2015 he became a founder of the internationally acknowledged project Bells of Bliss. In 2020, Guy introduced a unique method for educating sound wellness practitioners and teachers launched at the online Sound Medicine Academy. The singing bowls Guy matched into his harmonious set were selected by him over the years from thousands of other bowls from various areas of the Himalayas, and they are top quality "Stradivarius" instruments ranging between 100-300 years old. Each bowl reveals its finest sonic beauty and connects the listener with the depths of the life source. Meditation using harmonic series of sound has proven great therapeutic and healing properties. The specific sequences Guy plays target to remove emotional, mental and physical blocks. This session is equally designed for experienced meditators and participants without consistent or any meditation practice. What to expect: A short lecture defining the restorative powers of sound meditation. Breathwork and vocalization. Meditation guided by the sound of Himalayan singing bowls and gong. Smooth arrival to the new reality.