Rhode Island Cigar Rollers are selected based on a variety of qualities. Your cigar roller will interact with your guest helping on cutting and lighting your cigar while maintaining a great visual presentation while he rolls cigar in front of your guests. The personality of all of CF Dominicana's cigar rollers reflects on our brand and you, so the cigar rollers throughout Rhode Island will make this feature the hit of the night.
Our rollers have done events across Portsmouth throughout Providence and the feature was so popular that we quickly expanded to the entire Northeast. When press first started in 2005 Newport became one the most requested locations for a cigar roller demonstration due to its unlimited options of wedding venues. Now receptions, golf outings and corporate dinners are all complemented with cigars from Brewster to Providence and north all the way up to Boston.
Cigar Rollers are available in Barrington, Bristol, Burrillville, Central Falls, Coventry, Cranston, Cumberland, Gloucester, Johnston, Lincoln, Middletown, Narragansett, Newport, Pawtucket, Portsmouth, Providence, Smithfield, Valley Falls, Warren, Warwick, Westerly, Woonsocket
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