Our Cigar Rollers are dedicated to your specific event. Our cigars are made in the Dominican Republic and imported for your Big Night. They will be enjoyed by your guests for a long time.
We start your cigars in the D.R. and import them to your event, then roll them in front of your guests.
It is most often necessary to have more cigars at corporate events or events with large guest counts. We design and manufacture our cigar bands ourselves. Connecticut Shade wrappers are of "Grade 1" quality with Dominican fillers - the same cigars we sell in stores are the same cigars our cigar rollers roll at events.
Our graphics department designs and produces custom cigar bands in-house for corporate events or events with large guest counts. Connecticut Shade cigars are always a "Grade 1" wrapper and 100% Dominican filler - the same cigars we sell in stores are the same cigars our cigar rollers roll at events.
Contact us and book your next Cigar Roller in the Following locations
Providence, Narragansett, Bristol, Warwick, North Smithfield, Lincoln, Middletown, Cranston, Cumberland, Portsmouth, Newport, North Kingstown, Jamestown, Barrington, East Greenwich, Kingston
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