Rick's Photo and Design, LLC

8735 Dunwoody Place, Suite N, Atlanta, GA

About Rick's Photo and Design, LLC

Why Rick's Photo and Design? We use high-end mirrorless cameras to deliver exceptional image quality with sharpness, clarity, and color accuracy. Our digital cameras feature silent shooting modes, beneficial for capturing moments without disturbing weddings, or corporate events, where noise can be a distraction. Our diverse selection of lenses provides our photographers with the flexibility to adapt to different styles and genres. Let's Build Together! We provide professional services for clients in need of high-quality visual content to enhance their digital marketing efforts. Creative and detailed portrait galleries for clients in need of capturing valuable portraits, ceremonies, and events. Professional digital products to help business owners overcome visual marketing challenges by maintaining consistency across various digital platforms. My beliefs. Rick's Photo and Design does not express or tolerate discrimination on grounds of gender, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, race, color, nationality, religion, age, disability, or political beliefs - or any other ground.

Event Pricing

Attendees: 0-500 | $75 - $150 /hour
Pricing for parties only
Attendees: 0-10000 | $100 - $250 /hour
Pricing for all event types