762 Clemont Drive NE, Atlanta, GA


I am a trained Emergency room physician, practicing sound healing practitioner incorporating Reiki Energy healing and breath work one session is 90 min sound practitioner Using the principles of vibration and frequency achieved with various instruments including quartz crystal sound bowls tuned to the 7-chakra system, tibetan bowls, gongs, didgeridoo, Tribal drums, ocean/rain simulators and chimes we can quiet the conscious mind and create our life from a higher vibration attracting all that we want and to live and experience peace. These vibrations interact with your body at a cellular level and literally change you from within. I guide a very specific flow of Yoga Nidra to help you unleash negative thought patterns, stale energy, sadness and gradually elevate you to a higher state of consciousness breath work Using breath work to reach altered states of consciousness which can influence your mental, emotional and physical body with intent and in wholeness. Benefits include reducing or /eliminating stress, reducing blood pressure, depression, anxiety, PTSD while increasing energy and stamina. By controlling your breath, you can move past emotional and energetic blocks that hinder the flow of your life force reikii Japanese form of universal energy healing through touch to improve the flow and balance of your energy which will support healing. Can assist in stimulating your body's immune system, promote natural self-healing, relieve pain or tension and foster healing after an injury.

Event Pricing
Attendees: 20-50 | $40 /person
Pricing for all event types
  • Special Features: I enjoy combining various skills in healing to achieve healing by unwinding and realigning your mind, body, and spirit. This particular skill will release tension, restore energy, and leave feeling refreshed. 90 min with combination of healing modalities