August Moon

On line, Amarillo, TX

About August Moon

30+ Years of experience. Tarot reader, Medium, Psychic. Reki Master, Spiritual advisor, Ordained Minister. I read Tarot through psychic intuition and imagery. What is a Medium? An Evidential Medium. is someone that connects a living person with a loved one that has crossed. I am given the information, by them "showing" me things that are important between you and your loved one. There by providing you evidence that our loved ones are still here with us in spirit. <3 All readers read differently. When I read, I ask my sitters to only give me, “Yes”, “No”, or I don’t know” answers. By not knowing your story it further legitimizes your reading. Contact me for an appointment through Facebook, Instagram or by email. Just a little FYI: The easiest way to understand what I do, is to think of me as a radio. I get the information and then present it to you in a way that you can understand. I am NOT a 'Fortune Teller!" I find it important for my own growth to attend as many seminars and classes from mentors/teachers as I can. I believe listing to other reader’s and teacher perspectives and how they read Cards and/or conduct their Mediumship sittings, furthers my knowledge making me a better reader and teacher. I became an Ordained Minister and learned Reiki about the same time, which led me to becoming a Spiritual Advisor as well as a Reiki Master. * Make sure you don't miss out! Join the mailing list to get updates on, specials, events and classes! *NOT DISPLAYED* * Just type "Add me" in the subject line.

Event Pricing

Pricing ranges
$10 - $1,000 /event
Pricing for all event types
  • Special Features: To book for fundraisers/parties, see my FB for pricing. Most, appropriate attire requests, can be accommodated. * All one on one services are CONFIDENTIAL * ** Exceptions are; Public events, classes, groups, parties, etc.**